Clark Media Productions

Clark Media Productions is a place for me to share my love of audio production, music, trombone, and music technology. Subscribe to my email list for late breaking blog posts, videos, and educational content!

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Many thanks to Bruce Faske! Here's another great recording to check out...

For those of you who've read my page about Dr. Neill Humfeld, you know that he was a graduate of the Eastman School of Music, where he studies with the great Emory Remington.  When he began teaching at East Texas State University, he brought the great trombone choir tradition from Eastman to Commerce.  This is a recording of Tommy Pederson's Cogent Caprice, featuring Dr. Humfeld and the trombone choir at the 1974 Texas Music Educator's Association convention.  Dr. Bruce Faske is a graduate of Texas A&M - Commerce (as ETSU is now called), and took the time to put this performance online.  Many thanks, Bruce!

Back to school, back on tour

Ahhhhh, August... The end of summer, kids headed back to school.... And, some years, Marine Band tour rehearsals beginning soon (tomorrow!).... Summer has been great, and we've had a very mild one here in the Washington, DC area.  That has meant less suffering than normal out in the heat and my regular job.  Kyle and I began his new vlog, "Beaches with Kyle" this summer, inspired by a tour of NPR back in May, and I've gained a lot of practice learning some new software for both video and music production.

Another tried and true tradition this time of year is the marine band fall tour. Sousa began the tour during his tenure as the bands director from 1880-1892.  We will head out mid-September for 30 days and will play about 28 concerts while we're on the road.

I've been working hard to get in shape to start rehearsals tomorrow.... We will have 9 rehearsals on 3 complete programs before leaving town September 15.  This year, I've been spending a lot of time doing easy long tones, working on keeping the pitch center down, and on fundamental articulation via Arban and some other stuff.  I find that hyper focus on fundamentals serves me well when the fatigue of travel and being away from home start to grind on me, not to mention the physical stress of playing a 2 hour band concert every night!

Tour is just one more thing this time of year that makes the end of August feel like back-to-school. Getting the kids ready for their new year and starting fall sports for our oldest son also contribute.  This also kind of feels like New Years for me, creatively. I start to look forward to things I have planned or will participate in this year. Valor Brass has some recitals in the DC area coming up this winter, and I'm going to continue some fun projects in the home recording studio. Virtual Trombonist podcasts will surface from time to time as I'm able to interview some more folks I want my listeners to meet.

Many of you have heard me sing the praises of it before, but I just subscribed to the Berlin Philharmonic's Digital Concert Hall, and I plan to make good use of my upcoming bus travel time to watch plenty of concerts. I am especially interested in some of the many interviews and films that are available as well.  Last night, I watched a fantastic concert from the Waldbuhne in June of this year, with Lang Lang playing the Grieg Piano Concerto... just fantastic...

OK, while I'm on tour, I plan to keep you posted through this blog, but also at Instagram with the tag #chrisontour...

Thanks for reading and have a great fall!

Yours virtually,


Listening Lately

Here goes... I've been getting back into some more listening the past week or so... Here's what I'm into lately... Sean Rowe - Sean has a new EP out, called Her Songs.  I especially like "Ode to Divorce" and "Soldier's Song".  "EP" is a little misleading since there is a video to go with each of the 6 tunes on the album.  Great stuff.

The Gaslight Anthem - I listened to the '59 Sound so much I got sick of it... I just realized this band has a few albums out since then!  The latest is Get Hurt.  I really like their sound!

Death Cab for Cutie - Kintsugi - I just love this album.  Still listening to it.  Bought tickets to their show at Merriweather Post Pavilion on September 13.

Valor Brass - yep, our album made it's way to my doorstep yesterday.  Currently available here.  We are thrilled with the sound from our engineer, Ed Kelly, at Cedar Knoll Media.  Phil Snedecor, longtime director and trumpeter of Washington Symphonic Brass was our producer.


Berlin Philharmonic - I recently bought a one-week ticket to Berlin's Digital Concert Hall.  Wow, what an experience!  I binge-watched a number of pieces and concerts over the past week... check out their recent Mahler 5 with a new trumpet concerto called Aerial performed by Swedish virtuoso Hakan Hardenburger.  There is also a great interview with Hakan and conductor, Andris Nelsons, given by Sarah Willis.  I also enjoyed immensely the Wagner set from Siegfried/Gotterdammerung conducted by Daniele Gatti.  $180 for a one-year ticket is quite a bargain when you see what you have access to on the Digital Concert Hall.  Finally, check out a great behind the scenes tour of their production setup.  Cool!

Alright, one more thing.  This is cool.  Great tune, performing, and possibly the best horn section name ever... Tim Akers and the Smoking Section.  The tune is "Uptown Funk".  Enjoy.


The Virtual Trombonist

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