Clark Media Productions

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"Goals, unwritten, are simply dreams"

All that time wasted... I practiced for hours, months even, and all for nothing.   Was that really the value of a conservatory education?  Wow, I hope not... I mean, I got in to a good graduate program, with a fantastic teacher... What did I miss in those 4 years I spent “practicing” the trombone? 

Those may, or may not, be some of the thoughts many of us have had at some point in our musical careers.  Those thoughts represent what went through my mind, looking back on my undergraduate studies, years after the fact.  Now, was it all for nothing?  Of course not!  But, with hindsight being the proverbial 20/20, it's important to deconstruct our past sometimes, and to be sure we don't repeat our mistakes, or at least not repeat our inefficiencies!

After the video, go HERE to find my personal goal setting templates